
How embarrassing!

Miss South Carolina for President!


Ky • twopretzels.com said...

THAT was amazing. "I believe U.S. Americans...don't have maps because..in the Iraq and other Asian countries and South Africa...such as..."


THAT was hilarious. Craig was like, "What the hell did she just say?"

Did you see A.C. Slater laughing???? HAHAHAHAHA

Good one.

Mickey D. said...

I certainly hope she didn't win.

Amber said...

I think Miss South Carolina meant to say, "I think that 5 percent of Americans cannot locate the U.S. on a map because, like me, they are from Mars."

Wrestling Kitties said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! However, she really did answer the question. B/c dumb people like you are in the US.

Unknown said...

Can Miss South Carolina even locate South Carolina?! Good grief...

Anonymous said...

I propose we start a collection to buy people maps. That would solve all the world's problems. We can then find each other and visit and eat pie and drink tea on the porch. Miss South Carolina for President!

Iris Took said...

I laughed so hard when I watched this!

Traci said...

Oh yeah..I heard this on the way to work yesterday morning.

Wow. That's all I could come up with. Seriously dumb.