
I'm so excited. I just can't hide it.

Fun. Sun. Volleyball. Friends. Barbeques. Beverages. I am SO excited for this weekend.

Since 7th grade, I have been known to spend the last weekend in July in Mayberry, playing volleyball until the cows come home. (OK, we don’t have many cows IN M-ville per say, but tell that to Channel 4 in Detroit who once tried to prove otherwise. Does this ring a bell to any proud residents? “Welcome to the city of M-ville. Where tractors roam the streets…”) I digress.

Anyway, this year is no different. (Although, we’ll surely miss playing with Peanut, who, for reasons I’m not sure I’m able to say, will not be able to join our team this year. Congratulations again P!) Familiar faces will be seen. Music will blare. Competition will be tough. Good times will be had by all.

I’ll try my best to concentrate here at work for the next hour and a half, but I make no promises regarding my productivity. Really, there is no other weekend that I enjoy quite as much as this one.


A shout out

Just thought I'd give a shout out to the coolest brother-in-law around (who has reportedly been known to visit the 'ol blog from time to time). Apparently, his favorite song right now is "Unfaithful" by Rihanna, which, for whatever reason, replaced his former top contender "The Milkshake Song."

My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard,
And their like "It's better than yours"
Damn right, It's better than yours,
I can teach you, but I have to charge

I can see ya groovin' now, N. Awesome.

Can I brush my teeth please?

BP went to the store this week and found this gem.

I'm not going to lie. The little squares scared me a bit at first, but now I look forward to covering my brush with the minty fresh, fun-filled paste.

This is the coolest toothpaste I've ever had the pleasure of using.


Behold: The Fireball

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if I could eat no other candy for the rest of my life, I'd be OK. I LOVE fireballs.

Close seconds would be Nerds, followed by Lemonheads and Twix.

This just in

I just heard Bravo ordered a new series called Top Designer – a reality show that puts its contestants in the home where they are challenged week after week to come up with creative interior design solutions. They are hoping to launch the winner into their own design firm with enough cash and status to be successful.

Apparently, casting is underway and no premiere date has been announced as yet.

If this is half as good as Project Runway, I'm sure I'll be a fan.

When good people go bad

Have you ever been in a situation that just plain turned ugly? This weekend, I experienced first-hand how quickly people seem to turn into animals. The worst part? I found myself teetering on the slippery slope of entering the animal kingdom.

It was like the scene from Pinnochio when the little boys turn into donkeys. Tails were growing. Horns were coming out of the heads of all those in line. I was at the airport and they had cancelled our flight.

Not only did they not have another flight until the next morning, but they offered little assistance and support to most in line. They had two flights – with minimal vacant seats – that were flying into airports within driving distance of our destination. Other than that, there was no plan B. It was pure chaos.

When my cell rang, I was surprised to hear an airline rep on the other end. For whatever reason, she had called to help me and not the other 75 people waiting in line. At that moment, I felt I had the upper-hand. I started to rationalize that my being on one of those flights was of the utmost importance. Even though I knew all the other people in line had their own very important reasons for reaching our destination, I instinctively followed the “every man for themselves” philosophy to life. It was a scary feeling, yet, I couldn’t stop.

Nothing really happened from the phone call. Fortunately, I was already at the front of the line anyway due to my fear of this kind of situation (I always seem to get to airports with more than enough time…) and was one of about five people that were able to board a flight that day.

As I grabbed my ticket and ran for the gate, I looked back and saw a scene from the Discovery Channel. I felt fortunate to get out of there with only slight scratches. Many others, I fear, were left to fight to the death.

Lessons learned from the experience: 1. ALWAYS get to the airport early. 2. Don’t scream at the airport employees. 3. Try to not bring out the claws and wait your turn. 4. NEVER work at an airport.


What a night

Dear T-Roy,
What horrible, horrible luck you have. Two trips to the hospital in one week! First, you had a killer bee sting that swelled up your face, then, last night, you break your leg! (In the same week that you finally get your license back...) Anyway, glad we could be there for you last night. You always keep such a positive outlook on life.

Dear Midol,
I'm upset with you. In all the years I've trusted you to make me feel better, last night, you finally failed me. Not only did you NOT make me feel better, but you also kept me up for FIVE hours! Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to quit caffeine cold turkey. I felt like I had had 10 two liters of Mountain Dew from the 60 mg of caffeine you contain.

Dear Bravo,
You helped make my night so much easier. After a trip to the hospital made me miss Project Runway at the 10 spot last night, I was so ecstatic to turn on Bravo at 1 a.m. and learn that last week's episode was on. Since I constantly watch Bravo, I know that when you show one episode of a show, odds are, you're going to show all episodes of that show one after the other. You didn't fail me. You made things a little less painful for me when you aired last night's episode again from 2-3 a.m. Although I was saddened by the end result of the show (I really liked Malan for some reason), I was happy to be entertained in the early a.m. by something other than an awful infomercial. Also, thank you for airing celebrity poker after that. I like that as well. (I'm sure I'll do a recap of project runway later, but for now please read K's recap by clicking here.)

Dear Reader,
I'm feeling fairly dizzy and lightheaded at the moment, so sorry if none of this makes sense.


We have two!

So, for whatever reason, A and I actually have two of these wonderful floor cleaning apparatuses. (OK, true be told, we didn't realize that all that was wrong with our first one is that the batteries were bad... doh!) Anyway, whenever I break out my swiffer (mine is a beautiful purple), I feel like I'm in one of those 1950s ads/commercials where the woman is harmoniously singing or dancing while she works. Swiffering puts me in a great mood.

I would definitely suggest a swiffer to anyone with hard wood floors – or to anyone longing to be in a good mood.

Leavin' on a jet plane

Well, today's the day that my parents and my bro leave for their three-week European vacation. I am soooo jealous! They're off to England, France, Italy and Germany. How awesome is that?!

Can't wait for next June! (We're scheduled to venture over there with some wonderful friends!)


What a difference!

I'm so in love with the new slipcover I got for our couch in our den (from Target of course). It wasn't that I didn't love the beautiful green plaid of the couch, it was that I pretty much despised it.

Anyway, it's actually a little more tealy than blue and is now covered with a bunch of fuzzy white, light yellow (the walls are now light yellow with white trim) and tealy pillows.

So, two questions for you. 1) Where might I find a small, circular, white fuzzy rug? (Preferrably at a cheap to reasonable price...) 2) I have this annoying slab of ugly carpet – two feet by 8 feet – right next to the sliding glass door. I was thinking of putting a runner on top of it to hide it, but am not sure what kind of runner to look for. Any suggestions?


Hmmm. Is that a good idea?

Jennifer Aniston has made it clear that she might be up for a reunion Thanksgiving episode of "Friends." My first reaction is that it would be a mistake. It was a fabulous show. We loved it. But, now, after "Joey" and other after-Friends careers, would it even be the same?

For the record, if they did do it, I would certainly watch.


Photo compliments of http://www.livesinabox.com

Goodbye my trusty steed

It is with much regret that I inform you about my loss. Earlier this morning, I had to throw out my trusty eyelash curler.

Handed down to me from my mother, my curler was somewhat of an antique. For years, I depended on the slight curl and fullness it would give my limp lashes. To say it was hanging on by a thread would be an understatement. Today, unfortunately, was the day the whole darn thing came apart.

Anyway, I've tried other curlers in the past, but haven't had the same results. Have you, or anyone you know, found a curler that you're happy with? If so, please, help a gal out.


Speaking of touring...

I hear Paris Hilton is going on tour starting in September. Seriously, is anyone actually going to 1) pay to see her concert? 2) pay to own her cd? 3) actually listen to her songs when they come on the radio?

I wish I had millions of dollars... I'd become a pop star too.

Oooh... I wonder if Aaron Carter might open for her?!

(I refuse to post her picture on my blog.)

Who's touring

After 25 years, The Who are touring again. I hear they're coming to D-Town for all of those Who fans out there. (A, perhaps this might be another bonding experience with G?)

Read the full story here.

Photo provided by Reuters Photo.

Nothing is free

A and I have been blessed with a number of “free” tickets to area events since we began our respective professional stints. Through ad reps, co-workers and bosses, we’ve had the chance to go to a variety of games, benefits, shows, etc. Always up for free entertainment, we rarely pass up an opportunity.

This week alone, we were offered tickets to the Jamie Farr Opening Bash, the AAA All-Star Game, the Wing Thing and the Jamie Farr Owens Corning Classic. All sounded fun in their own unique way, so we decided to cash in on the offers.

Here’s the thing. Remember that old saying that “nothing in life is free?” Well, upon conclusion of each of these “free” events, A and I are realizing that even freebies will cost you.

For instance, once you get into a AAA All-Star game, odds are you are going to be fairly parched and hungry. Ching ching. (I’m not trying to speak Chinese, I’m trying to illustrate the sound of a cash register.) So, you order your ballpark frank and chilled beverage (it’s amazing how easily beer goes down at the ballpark) around the second or third inning (if you can wait that long). You’re done with your refreshments by the fourth (or for some, you don’t even make it to your seat before finishing your dog). So, now what? You can’t just sit there for five/six more innings. That’s impossible. Even at $6 a pop, you’ll need another bud light (which may not be your fav, but, for whatever reason, that doesn't seem to matter) and perhaps another form of nourishment. Ching ching.

It’s a damn conspiracy. You see, free tickets only exist so that businesses and organizations can get you in the door to spend your wad of cash.

The best part? Even though we’re incredibly aware of the conspiracy against us, we continue to accept the freebies. There’s just something so rewarding about the thought of sticking it to the man.

Image available at http://www.bivio.com/gpic/files/images/piggy%20bank%201.jpg


A good laugh

I was trying to find my favorite TV blooper where an old guy on Family Feud (the Britain version) says “turkey, turkey, turkey.” Have you seen it? Cracks me up… Anyway, came across these instead. They are real answers given by contestants on the Britain game show.

Q: Name something a blind person might use.
A: A sword.

Q: Name an occupation where you need a torch.
A: A burglar.

Q: Name a famous brother and sister.
A: Bonnie & Clyde.

Q: Name a dangerous race.
A: The Arabs.

Q: Name something Red.
A: My cardigan.

Q: Name a number you have to memorize.
A: 7.

Q: Name something you might be allergic to.
A: Skiing.

Q: Name something you do in the bathroom.
A: Decorate.

Q: Name something associated with the police.
A: Pigs.

Q: Name a sign of the zodiac.
A: April.

Q: Name a kind of ache.
A: Fillet 'O' Fish.

Q: Name something with a hole in it.
A: Window.

Place your bets

Now that Project Runway has officially begun, I thought it might be fun to make some predictions. (Episode 1 spoiler alert: do not read if you have yet to watch the first episode.)

Most entertaining:
Malan (His laugh is absolutely hilarious.)
Kayne (I love hearing about his Dolly obsession.)

Keith (His Round 1 victory already seems to have gone to his head.)
Jeffrey (I hear he’s Santino’s friend.)
Malan (His sinister laugh also qualifies him for this category.)

First off the runway:
Stacey (obviously)
Vincent (Did you see the hat?)

Middle of the pack:

Duking it out for the win:

What do you think? Am I totally off?

Photo available at: http://www.gamblersupply.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/mc132.jpg

I love this place

Last night, I had the opportunity to attend the AAA All-Star game at Fifth Third Field. (Thank you Fruchtmans.) While at the stadium for an unprecedented second night in row, I looked around and realized exactly how much I love that place. Very few cities, I believe, experience such a strong sense of community and involvement like T-Town does with the Hens. You just can’t help but smile and enjoy yourself.

My favorite thing about the night – aside from my tasty dog, my refreshing beverage(s) and the company of wonderful friends – was the Zooperstars. I don’t think I’ve laughed like that in a very long time.


I think I may cry

I’m a little saddened. According to Rolling Stone, Rivers Cuomo, Weezer’s frontman who has, in the past, made a couple of appearances on “my list,” is supposedly leaving the band.

I was introduced to Weezer back in college. A friend of mine, we’ll call V – an incredibly cute, alt guy I worked with back in the day – burned me a cd one day that included their first two albums.

Since that fateful day, I’ve listened to that cd more than any other I’ve ever owned. Listening to it takes me back to so many places, so many people. Remember our drive of shame A?

I was fortunate to catch a concert once with my good friend C. They were AWESOME live. Bit of a shame if I never catch another.

Read whole story here.

Picture compliments of Rolling Stone.

Don't forget

Don't forget to tune in tonight for the premiere of Project Runway (Bravo, 10 p.m.). I can't wait to see the 'ol gang again. It's been far too long.


"Detective Bart Lasiter was in his office studying the light from his one small window falling on his super burrito when the door swung open to reveal a woman whose body said you've had your last burrito for a while, whose face said angels did exist, and whose eyes said she could make you dig your own grave and lick the shovel clean."

Click here if you're intrigued.

We'll miss you

So excited for you K! Things will surely be different around here without you – you’ll DEFINITELY be missed!

A toast is definitely in order. Looking forward to the 25th.


You shouldn’t have

OH. MY. GOSH. Wow! I am so excited for the Jamie Farr Classic this week. Not only is the event bringing in the World Class Rockers (?), they are also bringing in uber-celebs Christine Brennan, Mike Farrell and, wait for it, Shelley Fabares! Can you believe it? Such big Hollywood names right here in T-Town!

Now, I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but does anyone know who these people actually are? (I must say, I did know good ‘ol Shelley from her "Coach" days…) I’m sure Christine, Mike and Shelley are all very wonderful at their respective crafts, but come on, don’t we deserve a little more? How long should the title “celebrity” really stick with people? Why not pool all the event cash together to bring in someone who has actually sang, acted, danced, written, rallied, lobbied, etc., in/for something at least within the last decade?

The Jamie Farr Owens Corning Classic is this town's pride and joy. Why not hit a hole-in-one? (Sorry, I had to...)

If you could bring in one “celebrity” to an event, who would it be? Off of the A list? Off of the D list?

Must-see movies

OK. So, I haven't actually seen these movies but they sure seem like must-see. A and I were cracking up at the video store last night just looking at the covers.

Has anyone out there seen these 28-minute thumb puppet spoofs?


Etiquette 101

1) When at a movie theater – If it is still early, or if the theater simply does not seem to be filling up, DO NOT sit directly beside an unknown moviegoer – even if the said seat might seem to be a better view. Six inches more in one direction is not going to change the movie. Sit at least one seat away. (Best practice is to sit one seat away therefore eliminating the possibility of a couple of late arrivers sneaking in and wedging themselves into the two vacant seats in between you.)

2) When at a karaoke barDO NOT “crash” a karaoke song – even if you think you might do a better rendition. If you have that overwhelming feeling like you might die if you don’t have the chance to sing “Like A Virgin” with a group of total strangers, odds are that you are incredibly intoxicated and probably couldn’t make it up to the TV screen anyway. Remain in your seat. Order a glass of water.

3) When in a public restroom – If you are in a large public restroom, with a large number of stalls, that happens to be pretty empty, DO NOT enter a stall directly next to another person. Bathroom stalls are not that large. Peeing and other business one might do in there is very personal. People need their space.

4) When hitting construction while driving – There is a reason those arrows and cones exist. DO NOT continue to drive in the left lane, passing all those good samaritans patiently waiting there turn for the lanes to merge. You are the cause of the problem. If you would get your butt over when they first tell you to, there would be no traffic jam.

5) When organizing a night out with friends – If you were the person who organized the night out, DO NOT leave an hour after you get to your destination. Your friends came to hang out with you. This does not make any sense. (That one was for you T’roy! Hehehe!)

I’m not angry. I just feel as though these lessons should be taught to those who have never had the pleasure of learning them. Please let me know if you have any more rules of etiquette to add to the list.

For more rules on etiquette, visit http://www.everyrule.com/etiquette.html

Take that critics!

In my opinion, this movie so did not disappoint. In fact, I thought it was fabulous! (A little less Cap'n Jack to fit in multiple story lines was the only slight downfall.) I was so pumped to see nearly all the characters from the first movie back – especially the one who appeared in the last minute of the film. Can't wait for the third installment!

Pirates plunders record


It could be worse

Top 5 jobs
... I, personally, would never want:

Restroom cleaner/janitor
Garbage truck driver
Flight attendant
Pet food manufacturer

What are yours?!


Unbelievable. I can't imagine.

'Breast Ironing' to stunt girls' growth widespread

Something to think about

Read a great article in Rolling Stone about Al Gore and his new movie “An Inconvenient Truth," a documentary that addresses global warming. (The movie was based on a book he had written of the same name.)

I must say, it sure makes you think. While I cruise around in my Liberty, I don’t even think about what I’m doing to the environment. I tend to only think about how much it's costing me to drive the darn thing (which really sucks in lieu of today’s gas prices). Anyway, after I’m done reading my next book on the list (“Adored” by Tilly Bagshawe, which I’m pretty sure is more like a Hollywood version of Dallas meets Sex and the City than a hard-hitting documentary about the Apocalypse), I plan on reading Gore’s book.

Check out background information on the book, the movie and Gore here.

P.S. Why didn’t Gore show off his personality in 2000? He clearly has a great one.


Office politics

For those of you out there who, like me, automatically become nauseous at the thought of office politics, I thought I'd pass along some interesting links. I know I still probably fall in the doe-eyed, ignorantly optomistic column, but I'd rather be there than in the sad, kiss-butt, I'd do anything and run over anyone for my career column. What happened to the perfect world I had always imagined in which people were judged on merit?





Grilled food is just better

With barbeque season now in full swing, I thought I'd pose a very important question.

Which do you prefer: Hot dogs or brats?

My vote? Hot dogs (preferably with just ketchup). Hands down.

Bonus question: What's your favorite barbeque side dish?

Does this scare anyone else?

North Korea test-fires 7th missile

Living in the now

A and I were talking yet again yesterday about our mutual desire to move on with our lives. We’re both so ready, so eager for change. We spend so much energy thinking about where we might go, what we might do. (There is an incredible amount of excitement in the unknown.)

The problem? We realized that we haven’t really been living in the present, only yearning for the future.

We’ve lived in our humble home for just a little over a year now. In that time, we’ve been almost consumed by the thought of potentially putting up a for sale sign. Do we buy a patio set for our deck? What if our next home doesn't have a deck? Should we recarpet the upstairs before we move out? Exactly how much money should we put into a house, knowing we won’t be here to enjoy the upgrades?

Every single thought or decision has been guided by our eagerness to move on.

In retrospect, I’m sure we would have lived the last year at least a little differently had we been aware of our actions. So, we decided that, until it comes time to load our moving truck, we’re going to try to focus a little more on enjoying life and living in the now.

Are we scared of contentment? Why do we always want more?


10 days and counting

This show is amazing. I'm sure Season 3 will bring designers just as talented and creative as past seasons.



Free at last! Free at last! Hehehe...

A worthy cause

Couldn't sleep last night. While A and N were upstairs playing video games for like the hundreth hour, I was watching the 12:30 a.m. (or so) showing of Access Hollywood.

I was half listening to a segment about celebs who donate to certain charities when I saw Schmitty. How adorable! (I'm a sucker for little dogs...) Apparently, he is the spokesperson for Dogs Who Care, a charity organization that helps the little guys – children and animals – in times of need.

To donate, you can purchase a collar for your pet here.

Dear Lord

Could he be any hotter?

My BP was kind enough to tell me to turn on Bravo last night at about 9:40 p.m. to see my Capt. J on Inside the Actor's Studio. He is so mysteriously intriguing. Anyway, I was so ecstatic to see 20 minutes of the show but am dying to catch a glimpse of the first 40.

Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out when a rerun of dear Johnny might be on. If you, or anyone you know, might be able to help out, I would be sooooooo appreciative.

I've never remotely touched drugs of any kind, but I imagine this is what herione does to a person... I need more!!! Can't wait for July 7!