Weekend to-do list

- Going up to M-bury to see J's band
- Doing some cleaning around the house
- Homework
Noticeably absent? YARDWORK! (More specifically, picking up fallen acorns.)
Can I get a "Holla!"
* Our only solice in selling our house at the price we did was knowing that, right around the end of September of this year, they'd be up to their necks in acorns. That's just priceless. (Our next home will not have as many Oak trees.)
Tracking techniques
Hell Hath Frozen Over
"Couture H2O?!"

It's marketed as the "couture water that makes an announcement like a Rolls Royce Phantom... the "Cristal" of bottled water.
Huh? "Couture water?"
My co-worker was in a five-star restaurant yesterday where they were trying to sell bottles for $65 each.
Water? For $65 a bottle?
I don't care how rich you are, if you're buying WATER for $65 a bottle, you're an idiot. Let's remember that there are people starving in the world. $65 can go a long way for those less fortunate.
Check out the ridiculousness here.
The Twilight Zone

The two chambers adjourned at 1 a.m. Friday and were scheduled to come back into session at 1 p.m. Friday.
Relocation woes

Another jumps ship

Reid, the university’s ninth president, was sworn in Nov. 24, 1997.
Reid, who made the announcement at the end of the university's regularly scheduled Board of Governors meeting this afternoon, called his resignation “one of the most difficult decisions I’ve ever had to make,” adding that his time at Wayne State had been “the 10 finest years of my life.”Given budget difficulties and other challenges of his tenure, he said: “I’d be hard-pressed to distill my most satisfying memories in the time we have this afternoon.”Reid said that he plans to step down in May 2008 -- after commencements. He would not say if he is going to another job, but he said that he may stay on at WSU as a faculty member, which is an option in his contract.
Seriously. This is just getting ridiculous.
The Great (Union) Debate

Union employees are seeking improved benefits, wages, healthcare, etc. GM says it needs to reduce costs in order to survive. Lawyers and reps on both sides of the issue are fighting hard in negotiations.
The auto industry - our state's pride and joy and the one great source of income - is crumbling. Companies are relocating. Money is not being invested in higher education to train individuals for different/better responsibilities.
(Great wrap up, K...)
Bottomline: Whatever happens during this negotiation will greatly impact the Michigan economy for many years to come. The very livelihood of all Michigan workers is on the front lines - whether the union or GM accepts defeat.
That said, my view - and I hear its actually quite a right-wing one at that - is that the time for unions (which were created back in World War times to protect men, women and children who were losing arms and such working on extremely dangerous equipment) has come and gone. Michigan is not in a good place. Companies are being left with no alternatives but to move. All the while, unions keep asking for more.
How can we expect our businesses to stay competitive (and stay period) if they have to keep filtering money to union employees on such a high level? (I heard the other day that GM has to give $1,200 off the purchase of every car bought to union retirement funds alone...) When is the whole system going to break? I know it downright sucks to stop getting a certain wage or as good of benefits as maybe one used to, but wouldn't it be better in the long run to keep the few businesses we have left?
It's a new day. People need to focus on becoming trained and ready for what the future might bring. We need to leave the past alone.
* I would just like to reiterate the fact that I am not a union worker. Therefore, it is relatively easy to decide where I stand on this issue. If myself or my husband were a unionized autoworker, I'm sure I'd be singing a different tune.
Help a School Raise Cash

My friend, R, is involved in a fundraiser at her school and asked that I pass the word to friends and family.
Apparently all you have to do to support the school is use goodsearch.com rather than google (or whatever other search sites are out there).
Then, type in "Landmark Academy" as the charity/organization where it says "Who do you goodsearch for?"
Everytime you search for something, it counts as money raised for Landmark.
So search away! And spread the word!
New video - Rihanna
Is everyone else diggin' Rihanna as much as I am?
I LOVE "Shut Up and Drive."
Also, I very much enjoy her island accent.
He's a world leader?
The. Best. Show. Ever.
Scholarly Speak

Does their inherent need for superiority and discipline dominance overshadow their interest in educating and exciting the next generation? Are they trying to limit their future competition by "turning off" people to research?
I consider myself a relatively smart individual. I very much enjoy the area in which I am continuing my education. Yet, the moment I pick up my assignments I am disinterested and disheartened by the fact that every word in every sentence needs to first be defined and disected in an effort to make some sense out of what is being said.
I mean really. The terms they use are really just over-the-top synonyms for words commonly found in the English language anyway.

I haven't set foot at work since last Thursday evening and I'm in knots thinking about returning tomorrow.
I know work tends to go in cycles, stressful sometimes and not at all during other times.
I also know that this feeling will be over. Probably sooner than later.
I really need to work on leaving the stress (emotions) at the door.

Do you ever have interactions with people and think to yourself
"Gosh, this totally feels like a Saturday Night Live skit. Is this person for real?"
I do. Rarely, but I do.
I'm grateful that today was such a day.
I'll never understand

I hate motorcycles. (Or unaware, unconcerned and/or reckless motorcylce drivers anyway...)
There. I said it.
I will never understand why people tempt fate in such a way.
I was driving home last night from class at about 9ish. Traffic sucked (per the usual) but we were moving quite rapidly along I-94.
People were driving like idiots as it was. Bumper to bumper at 70 mph.
That's scary enough for me.
Then, three motorcylces started weaving in and out of traffic - at least at 90 mph.
I was so angry. So scared. So concerned. So angry at being concerned. (I think my blood was actually boiling I was so worked up.)
If they're not concerned for their own lives, that's fine. But the chaos and calamity that ensues on the road in their aftermath should make them realize that it's not all about them.
Ridiculous my friends. Ridiculous.
Reason #1,443,532 Why I Love Fall
Hot or cold?
If you didn't like Kanye West before, you'll surely detest him after watching this video.
What a self-righteous, arrogant baby.
I liked "Golddigger" just as much as the next gal, but JT brought "Sexy Back."
Can't nobody touch that.
Can't win them all (or any) Kanye. That's life.
A little bit of humility and graciousness go a long way...

My heart goes out...
Different priorities

"Well, honey, the windows are broken, the door is unhinged, we have no heat, and the front porch is about to cave in. Wanna get a satellite dish?"
Not my first choice by far.
Fashion faux pas

It was absolutely beautiful.
Something that really just irked me (and everyone else at my table), though, was a young woman who showed up in a long, flowy all-white dress - complete with salon coiffed hair!
Isn't it common knowledge that you don't do such a thing? I mean, a little bit of white (in moderation) is fine I suppose, just as long as you're obviously not trying to upstage the bride.
Who does that? It was so strange.
Remember when...
Blogs are awesome

The meat or the man?
Apartment downfall #1: Poor insulation

It kept going and going. And seemed to get louder with every second that passed.
We ended up turning the TV up (really loud!) to block out the noise.
Aaaahh, apartment living.
Back to School
HGTV is where it's at!

If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be perfectly content (ok, actually quite pumped) to watch hours of home improvements on HGTV, I would have told you that you were absolutely out of your mind.
It's pretty much on non-stop in our household lately.
I LOVE the commercial where a bunch of people are watching "Househunters" in their homes... "Number 2! Number 2!... I can't BELIEVE they chose THAT one!"
That's TOTALLY what happens.